Examples Of Valuations Oberon

customers navigate  the digital marketing world through  oberon Valuation coaching and we aim to be a partner in  digital marketing working hand-in-hand  with you to ensure your success also on  a technical side if you have any  questions during today’s presentation  you can enter them into the question box  that’s in your webinar control panel  that box on the right side of your  screen the team and I will be nearby in  the scenes answer any questions that you  have and we’ll pass them on to our  panelists you can test that right now

by  adding in a comment and telling us where  you’re joining us from please tell us  where you’re joining us from we gotten  any nice locations yet send them over  that Fort Lauderdale all right also just  in time for the holidays we’re offering  google chromecast running attendee who  schedules a digital marketing  consultation with surefire will be  giving you more on that at the end of  the webinar and for now I’m going to  pass it on to Nate Nate thanks again for  being our MC tonight well thank you I  I’m excited

to be doing this we Justin  and Alan and I we had a great time the  last  we did a surefire social webinar and  where I’m sure we’re going to have a  great time again for those of our  viewers and listeners who don’t know who  don’t know us we go way back and we have  a lot of history together we’ve done a  lot of projects together and we have a  lot of experience and combined many  years on optometric online social media  marketing and so this is always a fun  time when we get to do this so Helen you  want to say just a couple quick words to  introduce yourself um hey everybody  thanks for coming tonight thanks Justin  thanks Note for being here thanks

to  surefire who are our I was used to say  my internet providers but now they serve  all of us and help us with our internet  marketing and do it better than we could  and there’s just some big egos in  internet marketing to say that I just  listen to what they have to say reach  out to them always happy to give you  free advice and tell you what you’re  doing wrong with you could be doing  better and really this is the way this  is the way that marketing